Sunday, March 13, 2005

Icarus flying through the blogosphere at Santa Fe Public

Karen Schneider (Free Range Librarian) gives kudos to Santa Fe Public's blog, Icarus, "As Ranganathan said, blogs are for use, and Icarus flies high in meeting that goal. It feels friendly and engaged, like a good librarian. Icarus puts a human face on Santa Fe's web presence. Kudos to the folks responsible for making it happen, and may you have many good posts ahead of you. URL: Icarus: A Great Model for Library Blogs."

I agree--it's crisp and clean, and while it's using Blogger, they've customized the template with a direct catalog search with drop-down search options, and they've use a neutral design format, so the emphasis is on the content (local photos of library stacks, street signs, and coverart).

I've been thinking that we needed to wait to implement a blog because we haven't indentified a home-hosted software solution--but, Santa Fe Public's example is inspiring and a fantastic example of how you don't have to host your blog yourself to serve your patrons through the blogosphere.


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